TRIO Scholars

TRIO Scholars

Student Support Services

Hero image

The goal of TRIO Scholars (SSS) is to increase the college retention and graduation rates of participants and help students make the transition from high school to college, and from college to beyond.

Who is Eligible for TRIO Scholars (SSS)?

TRIO Logo for decoration only

You may be eligible for TRIO Scholars (SSS) if you identify with one or more of the following: 

  • A first-generation college student, meaning that neither of your parent(s) or guardian(s) graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree
  • Come from a low-to-modest income background
  • Have a disability

Follow us on Instagram: @UNHTRIOScholars

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UNH 2022 First Generation Celebration logo

National First Generation College Student Celebration


November 8 is National First Generation College Celebration Day. Events will be held November 2-8, 2023, to celebrate the presence and experiences of first-gen students, faculty, and staff at UNH, culminating with a campus-wide event on November 8, from 2-4pm in MUB 338/340. For a full list of events and to learn more about First Generation College Celebration day, please click here.


Academic Support & Tutoring

Wildcat statue

Financial Planning 

student looking at laptop
students walking and laughing



Graduate School Prep

students walking across campus

Career Planning

Why be a TRIO Scholar?

The TRIO Scholars Program focuses on you – building your UNH experience and preparing you for the future you want when you graduate. Over 90% of TRIO Scholars are in Good Academic Standing and stay at UNH from year-to-year. You will have access to tutoring, time management and organization skills, scholarship searches, and preparation for career or graduate school! As a TRIO Scholar you will be connected to your team:

  • Your TRIO Educational Counselor, who can be your “go-to” person on campus
  • Other TRIO Scholars
  • Faculty who  share their knowledge
  • Career counselors who can guide you towards internships or career planning
  • Financial Aid experts who share strategies for filling out your FAFSA, understanding student loans, and access to ReisUP Lit, which provides practical money advice for now and after you graduate